pilihan dan kebuntuan

mengapa aku perlu memilih???
sukarnya....Ya Allah
membuat pilihan yang belum pasti
benarkah pilihan aku??

aku buntu...
bantulah aku..Ya Allah
hilangkan gusar hati ini..
pulihkan hatiku..
bimbinglah aku..
redhaiilah aku..

yang pasti aku perlu cari
cari pilihan dan buat keputusan..
nanti hilanglah kebuntuan..
tp...hakikatnya keputusan telah dicapai

apa lagi yang aku mahukan??
kau perlu terima hakikat hati...
doa dan tawakkal..
doa dan terus berdoa..
semoga dipermudahkan jalan..

semoga jalan yang kupilih dirahmati..


AJAIB 2011


sedikit info kuasa ALLAH dari Puteri Sofea...
Tahun ini mempunyai 4 tanggal aneh:1-1-11, 11-1-11, 1-11-11, 11-11-11.
Sekarang cuba ini: ambil 2 digit terakhir tahun kelahiran anda dicampur dengan umur anda tahun ini.
Hasilnya pasti =111...nice ..Subhanallah !! its... miracle , try it.....!..

contoh: saya lahir pada tahun 1985...umur saya sekarang 26
so, 85 + 26 = 111


Integration: is a reverse process of differentiation.
why we do integration???

~The fundamental theorem of calculus specifies the relationship between the two central operations of calculus: differentiation and integration.
  • The first part of the theorem, sometimes called the first fundamental theorem of calculus, shows that an definite integration can be reversed by a differentiation. The first part is also important because it guarantees the indexistence of antiderivatives for continuous functions

  • The second part, sometimes called the second fundamental theorem of calculus, allows one to compute the definite integral of a function by using any one of its infinitely many antiderivatives. This part of the theorem has invaluable practical applications, because it markedly simplifies the computation of definite integrals. ~

Why do we need to study Integration?

1) The Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur experience high forces due to winds. Integration was used to design the building for strength.
2) The Sydney Opera House is a very unusual design based on slices out of a ball.
3) Historically, one of the first uses of integration was in finding the volumes of wine-casks
by M. Bourne

Klas 5UAZ br je blaja sampai definite integral.. InsyaAllah next week dorg akan blajar how to find area and volume?
hope kerje rumah diorg siap & dapat buat dengan baik...
kerje xleh na tangguh2 lg...
kelas tmbhn ngn 5UAZ terpakse tukar mase hr selase malam..emmm....
semoga Allah permudahkan segala usaha aku sepanjang aku di SBPI Jempol...
kuatkan semangat...WAHIDA...
Allah sentiase bersamamu...